As I wandered aimlessly through an extremely unassuming day last week, I was suddenly set upon by a crazed loon, who assaulted me with a 1GB Flashdrive and then fled. I thanked the lord it wasn’t one of those 8GB monsters, they can do serious damage to a fragile USB port! Upon examination of the contents of the flashdrive, I found a garbled message, which initially I found difficult to decipher. However, once I found a translator of the language ‘English’, I broke the code, and here is the sobering result…
It’s back.
Televisual delights in one big sweetie bag of deliciousness rammed down your eyes and into your brains.
A.D.H.D. T.V.
(…but now with extra added competence!)
$10 to get in, but that’ll get you a “free” DVD as well.
Not availiable in stores!
It’ll start with warm ups at half seven,
the main programme will be on screen sharpish at 8:00.
We’ll be done by 10:00pm.
Seats are limited, first in first served,
so if ya are keen for a presale…
or call 021 293 7756
and we’ll sort something out.
Jock S. McTavish
(current convenor of The Club)
Any idea of what we could be seeing at this event??